
MemberShops allows you to effortlessly configure your shop as a membership site, web-store, or a hybrid of the two. With just a few clicks in your admin area, you can alternate between these options, giving you the flexibility to test and determine which approach generates the most income for your unique offerings.


Shopping Cart


Membership subscriptions are used when you want to offer multiple products for a set price.


You can create membership plans with different duration, such as weekly, monthly, yearly, or whatever you want. Your shop is pre-configured with six plans, but you can change them as you see fit.

You can define subscription plans as one-time charges or recurring charges, in which the user is automatically charged again after his membership expires.

You can limit the number of downloads for each membership plan. They can be set to:

Unlimited access – The user has unrestricted access and can download an unlimited number of products.

Limited access – You can restrict access by defining the maximum number of downloads that a user can make. For example, if you set this to 50, the user will be able to download 50 products before having to upgrade their membership.

Limited per-day access – With this option, the user will be able to download only a certain number of products per day before receiving a warning message.

Learn more about creating membership plans in our documentation. 

A shopping cart is used when you want to sell individual products.

The checkout process in the shopping cart is handled by Cart credits. When you enable shopping cart features, users can start putting items in their carts, but before they can proceed to the checkout page and actually pay for their purchases, they will need to purchase credits from you first.

To enable the shopping cart functionality, you must do the following:

Set the price for each product. We have already set the default prices for all of the products, but you can change the values.

Sell the credits to your users. You are in charge of determining the price of the credits and selling them to your customers. Normally, you will charge them $1 for one credit, but this can vary depending on your business plan.

To assist you in getting started, we have set up your shop with two batches of 100 and 20 credits, which you can begin selling to your users.

Learn more about shopping carts in our documentation.

You can also combine the membership and cart functions.

If the user does not have a suitable membership plan or if his subscription has expired, he will be given two options for accessing the products:

To upgrade the membership, or

To add items to shopping cart and pay with credits.

Note: If you already have the shopping cart feature activated, then you do not need to activate this feature separately. Users without the appropriate membership will immediately be presented with a shopping cart.

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